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Cadê a Faixa? / The Crosswalk

17 Pins
Collection by
Basketball Court
Moradores pintam faixa de pedestres em Pinheiros
Residents close street to paint a pedestrian crossing Street, Pedestrian Crossing, Pedestrian, Vila
Moradores fecham rua para pintar faixa de pedestres na Vila Madalena
Residents close street to paint a pedestrian crossing
The pedestrian crossing that was painted twice Twice
A faixa que foi pintada duas vezes
The pedestrian crossing that was painted twice
Residents paint a pedestrian crossing in their neighborhood The Neighbourhood, Pinheiro
Gazeta de Pinheiros - Tudo que acontece na região você vê aqui, desde 1956
Residents paint a pedestrian crossing in their neighborhood
Residents paint a pedestrian crossing in their neighborhood
“Moradores pintam faixa de pedestres na Vila Beatriz”
Residents paint a pedestrian crossing in their neighborhood
Tribute to the river Tribute, River
Tribute to the river