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metal man

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an image of a quote that reads, i wonder which will get you killed faster
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
"Thanks" she snickered." Kierans eyes narrowed. "How does someone like you end up here anyway. Its not like you were exactly built for this kinda stuff." "Yeah the SEC doesn't really care about that. Im a prodigy haven't you heard?"
Echipament Tactic, Arte Robot, Titanfall, Robot Design, Robots Concept, Robot Concept Art, Futuristic Technology, Cyberpunk Art, Armor Concept
7931ffafgw1efk5td9u0bj20o31jk0zw.jpg - sekigan
there are many different tools on the shelf
An Industrial Style Kitchen in Romantic Paris You’ll Love
black and white photograph of various brushes on top of each other
And though life may pass and body turn to ash, the fire created from love never burns out
there are many different tools on the table
Thief's Toolkit 7 Tools by VaporGecko on DeviantArt
Imagen: Thief's Toolkit 7 Tools by ~VaporGecko
three rolls of white paper with black and white drawings on them, all lined up together
Lotta Agaton
Lotta Agaton
a black and white photo with the words i could't keep you safe, they're all afraid of me
Victoria Aveyard
daughters of eden ideas | book series | girls with magic in their veins | @mpilarcruz
a black and white photo of a man's face in the dark with only one eye visible
a group of people walking across a field under a cloudy sky at sunset or dawn
ArtStation - Yuri Shwedoff
a dark tunnel with light coming from the ceiling and some lights on either side of it
{Ash, Andy, Jada} Andy wanted me to get you out.. So I did what I do best. I slept with one of the Guards, stole his keys, and he told the other guards I can go down to the cells. My heels click along the ground, and I see you. I hold the keys up. “It’s time to go, love.”
a man in a hoodie looking at the camera with city lights in the background
I Dream of Electric Sheep
I Dream of Electric Sheep - #dream #electric #robot #Sheep
Cyberpunk Art | Киберпанк Steampunk, Sci Fi, Science Fiction, Cyberpunk 2077, Sci Fi Rpg, Sci Fi Art, Sci Fi Fantasy, Cyberpunk Rpg, Sci Fi Characters
Ошибка 429
Cyberpunk Art | Киберпанк
Ion Shotgun by AlexKonstad Firearms, Weapons Guns, Weapons And Gear, Sci Fi Weapons, Airsoft Guns, Future Weapons, Concept Weapons
alien guns by sobaku-chiuchiu on DeviantArt
Ion Shotgun by AlexKonstad