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Gothe Residency of the Arts
554 Pins
Collection by

W.E.B Syndicate (Penpals)

40 Pins


12 Pins

living quarters

67 Pins


49 Pins


83 Pins


28 Pins


17 Pins


38 Pins


32 Pins
an ornate wooden cabinet with paintings on the wall and ceiling above it in a church
Stuck With Thorns For Witchcraft Purposes
an old fashioned library with two chairs and a piano
an overhead view of a living room with wood paneled walls and wooden staircases
Victorian Architecture on Instagram
an old gothic church with stained glass windows
Gothic Architecture - Paisley Abbey
an ornate building with columns and arches
Palazzo Ducale, Venezia
the moon shines brightly behind gothic architecture
Il Duomo di notte, la luna gioca con le guglie
an open book with stamps on it and some other items in the background that are laying on top of each other
¨`*•.¸ᴹᴬᵞ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴿᴬᴳᴱ ᴮᴱ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ᵞᴼᵁ @ᴰᴬᵂᴺᴾᴬᵀᴿᴼᴸᴷᴬᵀ ¨`*•.¸
four glass bottles with dried flowers in them sitting on a white cloth covered tablecloth
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
some bottles are sitting on a table with butterfly magnets attached to the bottle and chain
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
an old envelope with ornate designs on it
New, Used, & Sample Wedding Dresses - PreOwnedWeddingDresses
two black plaques with gold designs on them
envelopes from the past
several old letters are laying on top of each other
an open book with handwritten notes and pictures on the pages is sitting on a bed
Journaling – Overrated or Worth it?
an assortment of old books and other items are arranged on top of a wooden board