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mis vibrass

basicamente el nombre del tablero, cosas que tienen mis vibras y/o me identifican
82 Pins
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an open book sitting on top of a bed next to a white sheet with writing
veinte poemas de amor
a pair of shoes that are sitting on the floor
an animated image of a person standing in the grass
Si ellos supieran
a woman with her hands in the air while standing next to two other women wearing colorful clothing
a woman standing in front of a group of people with words above her that say hip hop, metal, cumbia, salsa
two pictures of a man with red eyes and one has the caption'no lo voy a superar nunca estive enamoorada '
the text message is in spanish and english
the table is set for two people to eat
a computer screen with an error message on the bottom right hand corner that reads, no ess por egidiata pero me gusta xd
someone is holding a candle in front of a computer screen with the caption'me gust no gust comparir '
a man standing next to a woman in front of a screen with the words miss lagrama's ricoteras written on it
there is a sign on the side of a bus window that says pestle me
el pity
a man sitting at a table with three laptops in front of him and the caption reads consumend 4 tips de contenndo para que no se cruce un pensamiento
a red background with white text that reads corte vegetarano no jodo con panchos ni salmes
a group of people holding up a sign in the middle of a crowd with other people behind them
Messi, si jugarás en el cielo moriría por verte.
a television mounted to the side of a wall
an orange and white cat sitting on top of a table next to a coffee pot
a young man standing in front of a blackboard with spanish writing on the chalk
a collage of pictures with women in them
the holy trinity
Psychiatric Help, Old Fashioned Love, Love Of My Life
a dog sitting at a table with some food and a drink in it's mouth
the words are written in spanish and there is an image of red lines on it
Rᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄɪᴀs ᴅᴇ Dɪʙᴜᴊᴏ ʏ Aɴɪᴍᴀᴄɪᴏ́ɴ
Falta de ideas para dibujar? Pues no te preocupes más! aquí encontra… #detodo # De Todo # amreading # books # wattpad
two men sitting next to each other in front of a cell phone
an image of a tweet with the caption's name in spanish
a man sitting in a chair with his headphones on and holding up a book
the words are written in white on a brown background
a person holding a book in their right hand with the words all my life problems written on it
☀︎︎.•𝑆𝑖𝑥 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑠•.ꨄ
a man holding a sign that reads messi si fugaras en el cielo morria por verte
an x - ray image shows the chest and ribs
La DOOMER GANG son rusos. Comenzó:5 de noviembre de 2019 Término: #humor # Humor # amreading # books # wattpad Police, Foto Meme
Welcome to the Autismo Show
La DOOMER GANG son rusos. Comenzó:5 de noviembre de 2019 Término: #humor # Humor # amreading # books # wattpad
an open refrigerator filled with lots of water and plastic cups in it's door
a group of people standing in front of a blackboard
the words are written in spanish on a pink and purple background with stars, flowers, and butterflies
a soccer player holding his fist up in the air with words above him that read messi so lo meder que nos paso en lavida
Messi sos lo mejor que nos pasó en la vida.
a side view mirror with writing on it