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— ✦ Charlie •°༣ཾ྄

70 Pins
a woman sitting on the ground next to a man who is holding her head in his hands
• Rain x Lisa icon's aesthetic • Little Rain (webtoon)
two people hugging each other in front of a white background
• Rain x Lisa icon's aesthetic • Little Rain (webtoon)
a woman sitting on the ground next to a man who is holding her head in his hands
• Rain x Lisa icon's aesthetic • Little Rain (webtoon)
a drawing of two people hugging each other
• Rain x Lisa icon's aesthetic • Little Rain (webtoon)
a white cat with blue eyes and long blonde hair is staring at something in the distance
a white cat with its mouth open and eyes closed
a white cat with blue eyes sitting on top of a table
an anime character with blonde hair and blue eyes holding a piece of bread in his hand
two anime characters one with blue eyes and the other red, are facing each other
• Rain icon's aesthetic • Little Rain (webtoon)
a drawing of a cat with blue eyes
Someone help, too cute
a white cat laying on top of a wooden floor next to a sign that says meow
Why is he so cute?
an image of a cat with blue eyes looking at the camera and another cartoon character
Little Rain | OMO SO CUTE ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )
a person petting a white cat with blue eyes
Little Rain on LINE WEBTOON