Homesteading Tips

Tips for gardening, beekeeping, managing finances, raising livestock, preserving food, and other homesteading projects.
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an advertisement with three different types of food in the middle one is brown and white
Don't Let Those Onions Go to Waste!
It's easy to make dried minced onion and onion powder or freeze onions for later use.
an image of how to grow, harvest and care gourds
How to Grow & Cure Gourds
Tips on growing, harvesting, and curing ornamental, utilitarian, and luffa gourds. ~All gourds like warm soil, full sun, and a relatively long growing period. ~They are ready to be harvested when the stems dry and turn brown. ~Handle the gourds with care. Avoid bruising, scratching, or puncturing the fruits. Check out our article for more tips.
a group of bees sitting on top of a blue surface next to water with the words, help a bee wet her whistle learn how to provide water for bees
How to Keep Your Honey Bees Cool & Hydrated
Honey bees particularly need extra water to cool their hives in the summertime. Beekeepers should provide their bees with water nearby. Hot summer weather also means wildflowers become more scarce. Plant things that will bloom in July and August, when there may be little other forage available, and keep those gardens watered too! Visit our website to read the full bee blog post.
a beekeeper's calendar with instructions for bees
Arkansas Beekeeping Calendar for May
Need some help keeping up with your beekeeping chores? Use our monthly checklist as a general guide for beekeeping activities in Arkansas. Many local factors - particularly the weather and temperature, the abundance of floral resources, and the presence of hive pests - will influence the exact timing of beekeeping chores.
beekeeping 101 Urban, In Recent Years, Urban Area, Beekeeping For Beginners, University Of Arkansas, Hives, Start, City Limits
Getting Started with Honey Bees
Keeping honey bees is an increasingly popular activity for both leisure and profit. Honey bee hives can be managed safely and productively, even in urban areas. Find out exactly what it takes, how much it costs, and what supplies you need to get started with honey bees in Arkansas.
beekeepers are lined up on a wooden bench with the words bee keeping calendar above them
Arkansas Beekeeping Calendar
Need help with your bees? Check out our general guide to some of the main activities of honey bees during each month of the year. Being mindful of the bees' activities will help you determine what needs to be done. Many local factors - particularly the weather and temperature, the abundance of floral resources, and the presence of hive pests - will influence the exact timing of your beekeeping chores.
Tips for small farmers and landowners Homestead, Backyard Poultry, Poultry, How To Plan, Pond Weed, Garden, House Styles
Around the Homestead Podcast
Get tips for projects that arise around the homestead like planning a garden, caring for backyard poultry, controlling pond weeds, and more!
a notebook and pen sitting on top of a wooden table
Four Tips for Creating Your Garden Plan
Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a first-timer, it’s always best to start with a garden plan. But don't be intimidated, we've got you covered! #GardenPlanning #SpringGardening #VegetableGardening #GardenPlan