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Tomasz Novikov

51 Pins
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there are two dogs that are sitting on the pillow
Vintage Pomeranian Art
a small brown dog sitting on top of a white floor next to a wall and looking off into the distance
a small dog sitting on top of a white floor
Kleinspitz Cairo
a man laying on the ground with his hands over his head and another person's face behind him
some people are standing by a fence and one is taking a selfie with her phone
30 Stunning Ghetto Glamour Shots That Will Make Your Day - Page 2 of 3 - DrollFeed
30 Stunning Ghetto Glamour Shots That Will Make Your Day -20
many old photographs are laying on top of each other
My probable downfall
tintypes, daguerrotypes, ambrotypes
an old phonograph sitting on top of a table next to a window
a record store with various records on the wall and posters on the wall behind it