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a painting of a mountain landscape with clouds and trees
Mountainside, Philipp A. Urlich
a group of people standing next to each other in front of a dragon flying over them
The Rise of the Dragon Illustrations, René Aigner
the statue is holding an umbrella and standing on top of a hill with mountains in the background
a painting of a village with mountains in the back ground and buildings on either side
a painting of a village in the mountains
Village surrounded
welder working on an object with sparks coming out of it
Reptiliaan Metalwork
a piece of paper that has some type of text on it
Guy Gavriel Kay, A Song for Arbonne
a black and white photo with the words if this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together
a painting of some mountains and water
the words you can't make fire afraid are written in black on a gray background