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Student Before and Afters

an image of a woman's body with different poses and postures on it
Eric L Before and After
two different views of the same person's body, one with arms and legs
Adriano Before and After
two pictures of the same person doing different poses, one is showing how to draw
James Z Before and After
some drawings of people doing different poses
Elias S Before and After
an image of how to draw the human figure from different angles and body shapes in perspective
Maria B Before and After
an image of how to draw the human figure from different angles and body shapes in perspective
Maria B Before and After
three different views of the same man's body, and how to draw it
Bartolome Before and After
three different stages of drawing female bodies
Etienne Before and After
a collage of photos showing different poses and body parts in various stages of drawing
Alex G Before and After
an image of a man's body before and after drawing
Kyla Before and After