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las cartas de agnes

"las cartas de Agnes" es el pequeño proyecto que me llenó la mente por allá por febrero de 2023. espero les guste. (Disponible en wattpad _NMIDNIGHT_)
24 Pins
a ladybug sitting on top of her finger next to a person's hand
a woman's stomach with flowers in the back pocket of her jean overalls
the sun shines through the branches of a pine tree in front of a body of water
someone holding up their cell phone to take a picture of the flowers in the garden
an image of a blue door with the words born to wander written in white on it
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
three photos are placed on top of each other near the water and rocks in front of them
flowers are arranged on top of an open book with spanish text in the back ground
ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴛᴏʀʀᴇs𖧷
two women are walking on the dock near water and one is holding her hand out
an airplane window with a book in the foreground and city lights seen through it
a woman laying on the ground reading a book by the water with her hair blowing in the wind