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the letters are yellow and black on a black background, as well as an uppercase
a yellow background with the words lemon milk in black and white letters on top of it
Elliot Ulm I do Graphic Design on Instagram: “DAY 4: LEMON MILK⠀ ⠀ I'll be honest here for the first time ever... I do not like this font... It is simply too sharp for me, and that is…”
two business cards sitting on top of a mushroom like object with the words compaadess printed on it
DESIGN • Instagram
Hôtel Magique
Hôtel Magique
Hôtel Magique
an image of people walking in different directions on the same page, each with their own name
大きいほうと小さいほう - ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞
some red and white business cards are stacked on top of each other
スリム名刺|欧米サイズの活版印刷 名刺、ショップカード | 活版印刷|CAPPAN STUDIO(活版スタジオ)
a black and white drawing of a cartoon character with words above it that say they are dying
FLCL manga
several cartoon characters are depicted in this image, including one with an umbrella and the other holding a drink
three paper cutouts of different types of trains