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Lady of Fire: The Immortal Elements

The story of Moireach, Lady of Fire, began as a dream in 2013 and took me to the year 1666. Her story could be the story of any woman who has questioned her…
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book cover, fantasy fiction, historical fiction, coming of age story, self-published Lady, London, The Twenties, Immortal, Society, Fire, Defying, Privilege, Man
Lady of Fire
The year is 1666, and for nearly twenty years, Lady Moireach MacRae has been living a sheltered life of privilege and luxury among the aristocratic society of London’s finest. But when her father demands she marry a man more than twice her age, she defies convention and rebels.
And then they put a sword in my hands (ok, relax it was just plastic + foam, no harm was caused).
Becoming Lady of Fire with a Sword
And then they put a sword in my hands (ok, relax it was just plastic + foam, no harm was caused).
#wattpad #ficcin-general Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro hogar. Para poder disfrutar de nuestra historia, solo debes seguir tres simples reglas: 1.	Por ningún motivo, debes separarte de mí, permanece siempre a mi lado. 2.	No importa lo que escuches, jamás debes tocar lo que hay a tu alrededor. 3.	Por último, y la más impo... Vampire, Character Aesthetic, Fantasy, Gryffindor Aesthetic, Dark, Gryffindor, Blood, Beautiful, Dark Aesthetic
K.A.R.M.A. - Capítulo 41 - "Akasha."
#wattpad #ficcin-general Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro hogar. Para poder disfrutar de nuestra historia, solo debes seguir tres simples reglas: 1. Por ningún motivo, debes separarte de mí, permanece siempre a mi lado. 2. No importa lo que escuches, jamás debes tocar lo que hay a tu alrededor. 3. Por último, y la más impo...
When you get a chance to attend the Crown & Dagger Ball in Edinburgh, Scotland, inspired to become the heroine of your first published novel!
Becoming Lady of Fire
When you get a chance to attend the Crown & Dagger Ball in Edinburgh, Scotland, inspired to become the heroine of your first published novel!
Queen, Aes, Inspo, Roz, Fotografia
Edinburgh, Hotels, Home, Destinations, Edinburgh Castle, Old Town Edinburgh, Edinburgh Scotland, Edinburgh Restaurants, Edinburgh Wedding Venues
The Witchery | Boutique Hotel & Restaurant in Edinburgh
Fashion, Outfits, Women, Bal, Style, Trendy, Robe
Shorty Colombo
Livros, Arcanum, Frases, Libri, Throne Of Glass, Ilustrasi, Medieval, Medieval Aesthetic
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Red-hair Witch in Fire, jyuusann ueaki
Red-hair Witch in Fire, jyuusann ueaki
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Fire Fairy, Fire Warrior, Magic Aesthetic, Fantasy Aesthetic, Fire Goddess, Dark Art
Fireplace Fairy by Aurinart on DeviantArt
Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland. Palaces, England, Ruins, Architecture, Monuments, Houses, Abandoned Places, Cathedral
Edinburgh Castle - The Iconic Scottish Tourist Attraction
Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland.