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an art piece made out of paper and colored circles on a yellow box with string
colorful paper flowers are sitting on top of a piece of crafting material that is being made
an elephant brooch with pink flowers on it
Little quilled elephant earring project
a drawing of a fox with feathers on it's face and another animal in the background
Мудрый лис+МК петельчатого квиллинга
The wise fox + MK loopy kvillinga
a paper cut chicken and two chicks on a yellow background with swirly spirals
30 Easy Animals Paper Quilling Art Ideas
See cute more ideas about quilling animals,each of these is a pretty craft that look great.#paperquilling#animalspaperquilling
a painting of a cup with leaves on it
Interview with Popular Quilling Artist Yulia Brodskaya
a colorful tree with lots of leaves on it's trunk and branches in the center
Quilled Tree
Quilled Tree | by Tanya Kogan
an abstract painting with many different colors and shapes
Vivid Contours Conjure Hope and Resilience in Yulia Brodskaya's Quilled Paper Compositions — Colossal
a white wall with several different colored objects on it and one is shaped like a rainbow
Craft ideas 10502
home decor Ideas, Craft Ideas on home decor