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⇢ deroga(cory) leonard vaughan '01, former salem texas, US ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ .garrett hedlund
183 Pins
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an open door with a handle on it
the text is written in red and black on a white background with an image of a book
「 ❀ desireemyersss 」
a drawing of a bird sitting on top of a piece of paper
Winchester, Queer, Gay, We Heart It, Orange Is The New Black, The Get Down, Person, Intp
sirius black
an image of someone's text message about electrica following the announcement to their daughter
a poem written in black and white with the words, i've goten good at making up metaphors
metaphor ; the crane wives
a black and white photo with the words i am't no reason to lie to me, i barely can't be giving a f
an image of a man's face with the words artic and science on it
Funny Quotes, Funny Jokes, Pigeon, Funny Memes, Really Funny, Fun
there is a painting with birds on it and the words if i was a bird, i know who'd siton
a sign that says give no fuks take no orders smash the prison and the borders
Stupid Funny, Stupid Funny Memes, Memes Quotes
Revolver. Buttons, K Pop, Patches, Pulp Fiction, Kpop, Grimes, Pin, Gotham, Erik Killmonger
12 Best Water Guns for summer 2018
an american flag flying in the wind on a cloudy day with no one around it
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Nationalism and Patriotism - Americans hold the fact that they are Americans in very high regard. From national anthems, the pledge of allegiance, and the power of the flag and the perceived meaning behind it, Americans hold the flag as a symbol of what the nation stands for, which is why I picked an image of the United States flag.
a woman is looking up at the sky from inside a window with her head in her hands
a man is holding a coffee mug in front of him with the words, i didn't meet some of the most instructable people but they also met me
the tweet is being posted to someone on their twitter account, and it looks like
the fire inside of my head got me out and i don't give a fock if the house burns down
Aesthetics, Vibes, Core, Life, Barty Crouch Jr, The Originals
this is the end
︶༉‧₊˚ Madoc Caruthers Instagram, Guys, Boyish, Old Money, Poses, Aesthetic Boy, Fotografie, Inspo
︶༉‧₊˚ Madoc Caruthers
a painting with the words i am teaching my self how to be free
the tweet has been posted to someone on twitter
black and white photograph of man with no shirt on posing for camera in dark room
Karma, Buzzfeed, Seriously, Quote
the words you're on your own, kid you always have been
Woodworking Projects, Honor Student, Student
You are the broken stick.
Honest, Notes, Be Honest With Yourself, Board
a teddy bear sitting next to a black shirt with writing on it that says, i kiss boys at bad times
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
a woman is sitting down with her hands on her head
— andrew minyard.
a black and white photo with the words, but i was not a heavenly child
animal fear - marika hackman
graffiti written on the side of a wall next to a fire hydrant in front of a chain link fence
a close up of a piece of paper with an ink pen on it and the words be immodest, rebel, disobey, and know you deserves to be free
the words are written in black on a white background with an image of a woman's face
the words tell mom and dad love them, but i have to go, no turning back
the tweet is being used to describe someone's love for hippo
Boy Outfits, Boy Fashion, Men, Haar, Guy Fits, Style, Guys Fits
NYC Men 🗽
the words are written in two different languages, and each has an image on it
a young man sitting in the woods with his feet up against a tree trunk and looking off into the distance
a piece of paper that has been placed on top of a wall with words written in it
a police car parked in front of a parking lot with someone taking a selfie
the four horsemen
a black and white photo with the words shapeshifter on it's side
— enid sinclair
a white background with the words dyzerrowley on it
the text is written in black and white with an image of a man's face
two screenshots showing different types of text
Thank you, goodbye.