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Study Skills

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a pink background with the words studying is a prilvege, not a chore
studying is a privilege, not a chore.
an open book with some writing on it
jane eyre annotations pt. 2📜
an open book with writing on it next to some markers and pencils laying on a bed
the summer i turned pretty
an open book with pink and black writing on the page, which is highlighted in red
Annotating 🩷🫶🏼
an annotating guide is displayed on a piece of paper with words written in it
annotations guide
book tabbing key Book Nerd, Aesthetic, Inspo, Zitate, Romance, Jurnal
Book Tabbing System
a hand holding an open book with writing on it and several different colored pencils next to it
How to Annotate Books When You're Reading For Fun - the wordy habitat
How to Annotate Books When You're Reading For Fun - the wordy habitat
The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee annotated in bright colors. Book Stuff
annotating books, annotating books aesthetic, annotated books key, annotating books tips
annotating books, annotating books aesthetic, annotated books key, annotating books tips, annotations in books, annotating books guide, annotated books tips, annotations aesthetic, annotating books color code
three pens sitting on top of an open book
A Writer's Love Affair with Pens
Stationary lovers get it. Writers get it. There is nothing quite like an awesome pen to inspire and motivate me to spend time with my writing notebook.
It's time for me to be a teacher again, and it got me thinking about when I first left for school and how little I knew about literally anything. Pink, Teachers, Freshman, Going Back To School, Leaving Home, Love My Job, Student, Teacher
Back to campus ...
It's time for me to be a teacher again, and it got me thinking about when I first left for school and how little I knew about literally anything.
a quote that reads, it's not hard you've just never done it before