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The Shadow and Soul Series

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a person holding an open book in front of a black and white image of a dog
¨`*•.¸ᴹᴬᵞ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴿᴬᴳᴱ ᴮᴱ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ᵞᴼᵁ @ᴰᴬᵂᴺᴾᴬᵀᴿᴼᴸᴷᴬᵀ ¨`*•.¸
a woman with long red hair is standing in an old castle like setting and looking at something
three wolfs playing with each other in the woods
fireworks are lit up in the night sky behind gothic - styled buildings with spires
an open book with flames coming out of it
You turned the page. I burned the book.
a woman standing in the middle of a forest with sunbeams shining down on her
a blurry image of a person's face in front of fire
➸ brie | these hollow vows
two people standing next to each other near a fire hydrant in the dark night
Jacaerys and Sara | Fire, Betrayal and Blood
a person standing in front of a white curtain with the sun shining through it and trees behind them