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Calla DeLuca

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a woman with long blonde hair wearing a green dress
Salida del Laboratorio de Hawkins-Stranger Things Mike y tú.
a person walking in the grass with their bare feet
a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes looks off into the distance while standing in a field
young princess machaera di siena
I feel god in this chili's tonight.
˗ˏˋ GOLDEN ˎˊ - a druig fanfiction - vi."My beautiful beautiful Zhena"
#wattpad #fanfic •✦───────────•✧ "we are not like humans, we are living legends that will be eternal, until the end of time" •✦───────────•✧ -Solo un genio podría amar a una mujer como ella. -Druig and Zhena (female OC) -a ETERNALS fanfiction by kateeast180
𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵
a woman with deer antlers on her head in the woods, text reads i hope you like the stars & stole for you
Once upon a Faerie-tale
a person standing on top of a tree stump in the woods with their bare feet
two hands reaching for flowers with arabic writing
Fresh poison
a bird is perched on top of a thorny tree with no leaves in the foreground
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Wicca, Coven, Wicked Witch, Witchy, Green Witch, Witch Aesthetic, Grimoire, Witch, Witcheries
Fresh herbs
a woman with long blonde hair and feathers on her head is featured in an ad for inara illuminating
#name #nameinspiration
a drawing of a woman praying with her hands folded out in front of her face
Long Hair Styles, Herrin, Character Inspiration Male, Fairy Girl, Elven Princess
BABY GALADRIEL ICON :: the rings of power
a person laying on the ground under a tree with their head down in the fog
Shadows of Blood and Deceit (book two) - 3
the light at the end of the tunnel shines brightly through the trees and water
* The fairy forest *
two people sitting under a tree in a field with grass and trees on the other side
a woman sitting in front of a mirror with her reflection on the wall behind her
two hands reaching out towards each other
Hades & Persephone Aesthetic
the silhouettes of two men holding swords are shown in this black and white photo
two hands holding flowers in front of the camera
the back of a woman's head with snow falling on her and trees in the background
Arya Stark Source
a bunch of dark colored flowers with green leaves in the foreground and trees in the background
slytherin glow 🌌
a person kneeling down in the grass with their hand on some red poppies that are blooming
↟↟ Alrauna ↟↟
the interior of a building with many windows and plants growing on the walls, in front of a fountain surrounded by greenery