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there are three pictures of food on the table and one is being eaten by someone
there are three pictures of food being served on the table with utensils in their hands
two images of a man sitting at a desk with papers on it and writing on the table next to him
Cinematic shots #cinematic
Made these shots at home by editing no extra accessories needed
the movie balance is being shown in three different pictures, and it appears to be an image
парень кадр сумерки Music, Movies, Film, Movie Screen, Film Photography, Olds, Cinema
назови меня своим именем
there is a woman laying on the ground next to a tree and writing in a book
four different scenes from the same movie, each with an image of a man standing in front of a tree
Preacher series
a clock sitting on top of a wooden shelf next to a book case filled with books
Дом, деревня, чай, часы, книги, эстетика
Книги, часы, чай, окно,эстетика, деревня, дача, природа, кинематографичное видео, cinematic, жалюзи, дом, дом в лесу, дачный дом, деревенский дом, загородная романтика, атмосфера, атмосферное видео, дорога, лес, коллаж, идея видео
Cinematic video, aesthetic, gallery, woman
Cinematic video, эстетика, aesthetic, cinematic photography, кинематографичный кадр, коллаж, кадр из фильма, gallery, галерея, фотосессия в галерее, идея видео галерея, искусство, картина, изо, изобразительное искусство, девушка, девушка с каре, блондинка, девушка в черном, антиквариат, museum, музей, bag, мумка, реклама сумки, раскадровка, идея видео
there are two pictures of a woman preparing food in the kitchen and on the counter
three different shots of a man sitting in front of a window and looking at the sky