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the sun shines brightly on a field with tall grass
a black and white photo of a dog with its mouth open looking up to the sky
Dachshund Portraits - Dog Artwork | AMSTAPHY — Van & Bella's
a close up of two dogs with their mouths open
National Selfie Day: 10 Adorable, Dapper Dog Selfies On Instagram To Celebrate!
a man riding a bike down a rain soaked road
an image of some art supplies on a table with paintbrushes and other items
— girlinthepark: Joe Pickard.
paints + brushes
a man laying on top of a lush green field next to a stone wall covered in grass
276/365 - Symbioses
an easel with a painting on it in the middle of a grassy field and trees
Beard the red. Bearded Men, Hue, Beard Styles, Redheads, Beard Life, Beard No Mustache, Beard, Beard Humor, Beard Love
Bush Smarts
Beard the red.
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a living room filled with furniture and a fire place next to a table covered in books
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an old castle sitting on top of a cliff next to the ocean with waves coming in
an old building with red tiled roofs and chimneys
Photo (life is simple when you live simply)
there are many pictures on the wall above the stairs
an old fashioned pay phone on the side of the road
an abstract painting with many different colors and shapes on it's surface, including paintbrushes
cinders & broomsticks
an easel sitting on top of a grass covered field
three chairs and two tables in a room with books on the floor next to them
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Ireth Alcarin
للعطور ذاكرة. ..فيمكن لزخات عطرا. أن تسافر بك رجعوا إلى الوراء. .بل ستذكر بأدق تفاصيل الذكرة. ..بل إن العطور لها صفة استرجاع المشاعر. فستذكرك بالذكرة يعينها بما كنت نشعر حينها. ...
the paintbrushes are in a vase on the table
Artist Profile: Bea Modisett
If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced. –Vincent Van Gogh
an artist's studio with many pieces of art on the walls and tables in front of them
sad boi
an open window in a dark room with the ocean out to the distance and waves coming in