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Alohomora - charas

912 Pins
Collection by
Adriana | Classic Name Print

Adriana Gonzalez

25 Pins

Amalia Malfoy

25 Pins

Alexei Dolohow

38 Pins
Andrew | Classic Name Print

Andrew Murphy

33 Pins
Callum Turner

Andrew Macdougal

28 Pins

Antonin Dolohow

39 Pins
Celestia - Uncommon Girl Baby Names That Aren't Overused Yet - Photos
Hailee Steinfeld

Celestia Mcfusty

26 Pins
Baby Boy Name: Derek. Meaning: People's Ruler. Origin: English, German.

Derek Creevey

25 Pins
Douglas | Classic Name Print

Douglas Umbridge

28 Pins

Eudora Weasley

32 Pins
I'm so sore from working out that I can't walk. So if you see some crazy person who is TRYING to walk down the street. That would be me

Faye Puddifoot

22 Pins

Felix Broadmoor

26 Pins

Genevieve Rosier

23 Pins
Baby Boy Name: Henry. Meaning: Estate Ruler. Origin: French, German. Nicknames: Harry, Hank.
#New David Gandy collection for M&S  AW2019 | David J. Gandy

Henry Parkinson

40 Pins
Once upon a time…the name Jasmine came to be. Our personalized art print celebrates the singular story of Jasmine’s remarkable journey through history, featuring a detailed account of the name’s origin, meaning and how it managed to survive the test of time. The descriptive words at the bottom of Jasmine’s print reflect the spirit and energy of its “Destiny Number” according to numerology. Whether Jasmine is a newborn, teen, or grown-up, a family member, friend, teacher, co-worker or any special

Jasmine Riddle

27 Pins
❝ 𝖤𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗒 𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗓𝖺𝖽𝖺 𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝖺́ 𝗎𝗇 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗂 𝖪𝗂𝗈 ❞… #fanfic # Fanfic # amreading # books # wattpad

Joshua Abbott

34 Pins

Kadir Hafeez

25 Pins
Baby Girl Name: Katherine. Meaning: Pure. Origin: English, Greek. Nicknames: Kat, Kate, Katie, Kathy, Kitty.

Katherine Macmillan

30 Pins
Klaas Heufer-Umlauf :D

Klaus Kleber

18 Pins

Kyle Evermonde

28 Pins
Origin: Hungarian

Laszlo Nott

42 Pins
Once upon a time…the name Louis came to be. Our personalized art print celebrates the singular story of Louis’s remarkable journey through history, featuring a detailed account of the name’s origin, meaning and how it managed to survive the test of time. The descriptive words at the bottom of Louis’s print reflect the spirit and energy of its “Destiny Number” according to numerology. Whether Louis is a newborn, teen, or grown-up, a family member, friend, teacher, co-worker or any special someone

Louis Stone

28 Pins
Search: 0 results found for "Luc" | Name Stories

Lucan Nightingale

18 Pins

Mike Carrey

36 Pins

Nadine Warbeck

29 Pins