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noah's book club

don't mind me, just collecting quotes from books on noah's shelves (and quotes from other things that might catch his eye nowadays)
347 Pins
Collection by

'The Master and Margarita', Bulgakov

14 Pins
☆▪︎The Brothers Karamazov▪︎☆

'The Brothers Karamazov', Dostoevsky

24 Pins
41 Alexandre Dumas quotes
42 Alexandre Dumas quotes
42 Alexandre Dumas quotes

'The Count of Monte Cristo', Dumas

9 Pins

'Norwegian Wood', Murakami

10 Pins
16 Profound Murakami Quotes To Calm Your Soul & Answer Your Heart’s Most Pressing Questions

'Kafka On The Shore', Murakami

6 Pins
☆▪︎Notes from the Underground▪︎☆

'Notes from Underground', Dostoevsky

8 Pins

'The Idiot', Dostoevsky

2 Pins

'The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories', Carter

5 Pins


12 Pins


7 Pins


2 Pins


8 Pins


8 Pins
all rights to owner


11 Pins


7 Pins


5 Pins


17 Pins


3 Pins


5 Pins
someone wrote this letter to her boyfriend on valentine day, and it's so funny
Inspiration, Sheridan, It Hurts, Prose
the text is written in black and white
an image with the quote sometimes i don't understand how another love is allowed to love her, since i love her so completely
a poem written in black and white that reads, you're a heap of flesh and guts and blood in a wax museum the only thing real
the words are written in different languages on a white background with an image of a man's face
a quote from albert camus about love
a poem written in black and white with the words i'm waiting for you, i'm waiting for the evening
a quote from sybia plathh that reads i'm so politically intense i just can't be any other way
a quote that says, you are a dream i hope i never meet you with sylia plath
a poem written in black and white with the words, i had a dream about you we were in the gold room where everyone