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3D Design: Redshift3D

14 Pins
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an image of three bubbles floating in the air with text reading red shift 4d
Redshift Cinema 4D Colorful Glass Material and Caustics
(14) Redshift Cinema 4D Colorful Glass Material and Caustics - YouTube
the words redshift spritee node are in front of some trees
Redshift Sprite Node - CG Quick Tips #2
(162) Redshift Sprite Node - CG Quick Tips #2 - YouTube
the redshift bible utility shaders
The Redshift Bible - rsFresnel
Part of the Redshift Bible series, support this series on Patreon Utility Shaders - RsCurvature
a field full of yellow flowers next to the words cinema 4d redshift
Using The Matrix to Scatter with REDSHIFT & CINEMA 4D
Using The Matrix to Scatter with REDSHIFT & CINEMA 4D - YouTube
a bottle of wine sitting on top of a table
Lighting A Wine Bottle in Cinema 4D & Redshift - Tutorial
(172) Lighting A Wine Bottle in Cinema 4D & Redshift - Tutorial - YouTube
an image of some animated figures on a computer screen with the text overlaying it
RS converter
RS converter - YouTube
before and after photoshopped images of rocks on the ground with text overlay
Using Poliigon displacement textures in Cinema 4D with Redshift
an image of a cross on a red background with green and blue lines in the foreground
Creating ObjectID and Puzzle Mattes in Redshift
redish material packs demo and free samples for the next version of redshift
Redshift Material Packs DEMO & FREE SAMPLES
Redshift Material Packs DEMO & FREE SAMPLES - YouTube
a round object with the words red shift workshop part 1 getting started in redshift
#HOWMaxon Intro to Redshift: Getting Started
a computer screen with the text c4d + redshift tutorial creating a flickering projection
Cinema 4D + Redshift Tutorial: Make a Flickering Projector Spotlight
Inspiration, Graphics, 3d Artwork, Speed, Motion
Redshift Rendering Tips - Cinema 4D Tutorial (Free Project)
a cartoon character's face with the words, toon shading effect
Simple toon shading effect in redshift [CINEMA 4D TUTORIAL]
a man's head is shown with lines on it
Redshift 3D - Skin Shader - Intermediate level