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a doctor is talking to two men who are on a hospital bed with the caption that reads, that's correct, doctor he claims that the instructions said to squeeze toothpaste from bottom
a man and woman laying in bed talking to each other with speech bubbles above them
Funny Airport Signs That People Had The Guts To Hold
an image of a cartoon character with caption
4th of July and Random Funnies: Random Tuesday Thoughts
the riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle riddle
Riddles | Funny jokes for kids, Jokes for kids, Funny riddles
some of the best words literally ever are written in english or german, and also have pictures on them
Some of the best words literally ever: Bamboozled Discombobulated Cattywampus Malarkey Brouhaha Skedaddle Doohickey Persnickety Whatnot Gobsmacked Flibbertigibbet Tenterhooks Poppycock Whippersnapper Flabbergasted Shenanigans Lollygag Kerfuffle Nincompoop Pumpernickel Thingamajig Whatsit Whatchamacallit Flummoxed Dingleberry Gobbledygook Canoodle Codswallop - iFunny
a man standing in front of a yellow background with the words funny responses to how are you?
70+ Witty and Funny Responses to “How Are You?”
Judge Ted Nugent reporting for duty! Judge, I Laughed, Laugh, Ted, Duties, Report, Development
Judge Ted Nugent reporting for duty!
Judge Ted Nugent reporting for duty!
the statue of liberty is holding up a sign that says new jersey, that way
Total Funny Facts