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a person standing in the water at sunset
【言葉と写真】4月に出会った美しい日本語と和語たち|古性のちkosho noci
an image of autumn leaves with chinese writing on them
古性 のち on Twitter
今週出会った美しい日本語たち | 6月其の1|古性のち|note Nihongo, Chat, Picture
今週出会った美しい日本語たち | 6月其の1|古性のちkosho noci
今週出会った美しい日本語たち | 6月其の1|古性のち|note
the night sky with stars and clouds in chinese characters on it, as well as an image
【言葉と写真】4月に出会った美しい日本語と和語たち|古性のちkosho noci
blue flowers with chinese writing on them and water droplets in the middle one flower is blooming
古性 のち on Twitter
(20) ホーム / Twitter
an image of some water with trees in the background and japanese characters on it's side
fireflies flying in the night sky with trees and grass behind them, all lit up
Aesthetic Words, Hope, Random, Twitter Sign Up
古性 のち on X
Photo And Video, Poster Design, Film Photography
古性 のち on X
a person holding a cocktail glass with blue liquid in it
2020年に出会った美しい日本語たち|古性のちkosho noci
Nice, Ss, Meaningful Sentences
古性 のち (@nocci_84) on X
the shadow of a person's hand on a wall
古性 のち (@nocci_84) on X
a hand holding a glass filled with blue liquid
古性 のち on Twitter