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66 Pins
SACREDBEE greeting cards are the creation of Connecticut childrens book author and illustrator Pamela Zagarenski. Greeting cards for those who love art and literature. Sacredbee-these cards are keepers.
SACREDBEE greeting cards are the creation of Connecticut childrens book author and illustrator Pamela Zagarenski.  ***Look for her newest book

Pamela Z

56 Pins
Sayings, Spiritual, Spirit, Soul
5 powerful affirmations to start your day
Self Love Affirmations, Self Love Quotes, Care Quotes, Self Quotes
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Inspirational Quotes, Empowerment Quotes
5 powerful affirmations to start your day - Hanako Therapies Mottos, Junk Journal, Daily Affirmations
5 powerful affirmations to start your day
5 powerful affirmations to start your day - Hanako Therapies
Motivational Quotes
Happiness, Instagram, Healing Affirmations
5 powerful affirmations to start your day
Meaningful Quotes, Boundaries Quotes