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45 Pins
freebie award coupons.pdf Art, Coupons, Reading, Ideas, Teacher Stuff, Teacher Helper, Classroom Rewards, Freebie, School Year
freebie award coupons.pdf
freebie award coupons.pdf
four different classroom signs with the words homework work, homework work and homework work on them
Welp....Looks like I made it!
16 intangible reward coupons for the classroom. Free rewards. No cost to teacher and students love them!
two cartoon characters with the words cambio de rol in spanish and an image of one
Class Dojo II: Premios y recompensas
Tras un tiempo trabajando en clase con ClassDojo, he de decir que los resultados han sido geniales. Los alumnos están cada vez más moti...
a pink and white certificate with a cartoon dog on it
#dojo #premio @classdojo
a birthday card with two monsters in front of the words,'elo con quien me sento '
CLASS-DOJO – Educaciendo
two cartoon characters with the words cambio de rol in spanish and an image of one
Class Dojo II: Premios y recompensas
Tras un tiempo trabajando en clase con ClassDojo, he de decir que los resultados han sido geniales. Los alumnos están cada vez más moti...
an image of a gift box with the words coupons te do mereces
the spanish language poster for children's class
Class Dojo II: Premios y recompensas
En nuestra clase de Primaria: Class Dojo II: Premios y recompensas
two cartoon monsters with the words helping others
ClassDojo WORKS with high schoolers. I use it for class management as an ongoing competition between my 6 classes, part of my student-of-the-month calculation, a fun way to randomly select students, and a cool classroom timer.
a certificate with an image of a green monster on it's back and the words, class dojo champion awarded to for having the most points in the class
First Grade Fairy Dust
Another Dojo certificate for highest points. Might also be cool to make one for…
an image of many different colored monsters
ClassDojo WORKS with high schoolers. I use it for class management as an ongoing competition between my 6 classes, part of my student-of-the-month calculation, a fun way to randomly select students, and a cool classroom timer.
paper cut out monsters with eyes and mouths on them, sitting on a wooden table
Página no encontrada - Manualidades Infantiles
Monstruos de fieltro para Halloween
a pink monster with big eyes and large horns on its head, standing in front of a white background